Accelerators Association

  • "STEEL" - The first industrial accelerator
    The first industrial accelerator, created to work with projects in the field of hardware (wearable technology, gadgets).
    Leader's project of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives.
  • ACCELERATOR "NeuroNet"

    The first accelerator, created for projects emerging on the market of the National Technology Initiative.
    The key focus is neuro-technology.
    Leader's project of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives.
  • International accelerator

    The main office is in France.
    A subdivision was established in Russia in Moscow.
    The key focus is IT start-ups.
  • "Forge of Technologies"
    center of technological
    System project for the development of technological entrepreneurship. Includes the Research and Education Center (REC), the Center for Youth and Innovation Creativity (CIMIT), educational programs, mugs, hackspace for prototyping and industrial design, hakaton-hall.
    Author's methods and patents.
  • Fashion Futurum
    Brand Fashion Accelerator
    by National Chamber of Fashion and #MBFWRussia
    Innovative way of development of a young fashion brand. Fashion Futurum Accelerator 23 to October 27, 2017. - an educational program for beginner designers, designed to acquaint them with the latest trends in the fashion industry.
    Accelerator of eco-innovations

    The first open Russian accelerator of environmental innovations and innovations, based on the best available technologies (BAT). Leader's project of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives.
  • Business Incubator "M'Politech"

    University business incubator, founded in 2017 for the development of technological entrepreneurship.
    It is part of the innovation infrastructure of the Moscow Polytechnic University.
  • Member on registration
  • Member on registration
  • Member on registration
  • Member on registration
  • Member on registration
  • Member on registration
  • Member on registration